Sunday, February 10, 2013

Felt Heart Accents Tutorial

This is an easy 'from the couch' craft. You can add them as accents on paper Valentine's, in a scrapbook, glue them onto a ribbon-lined alligator clip, or use them as a bow center.

You will need: felt in the color of your choice, needle and hand embroidery thread

1. Cut two hearts from the felt, between 1 and 4 inches across. You could use a stencil or cut a half heart into felt folded in half, elementary school style. I used the old-school method. They need to be fairly close in size and shape, but no need to freak if they're not perfect.

2. Tie a knot at one end of a 2 ft length of embroidery thread.

3. Stack the two hearts, lining them up the best you can.

4. Hand sew about 1/8 in. in to the heart, going around the outside using medium sized stitches. If you stitch too small, the felt will tear rather than the stitching holding the two hearts together. Same goes for if you get too close to the edge.

5. When you've gone all the way around the edge of your heart, make sure the remaining thread is pulled through on the same side of the hearts as your initial knot. Knot the thread so your stitches don't come undone. Cut the excess thread.

Now, use your handmade embellishment however you see fit!

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